PhD in Economics, specialization in Management, The Bucharest University of Economic Studies (2013)
His reasearch interests are Business Administration, Strategic Management, Entrepreneurship, Education.
Author and co-author of 7 books, 18 research articles.
Work experience in monitoring and controlling the use of European funds (APIA, 2007 – 2014); member of The Society for Business Excellence (since 2015), The International Society of Commodity Science and Technology (since 2014) and The Association for Innovation and Quality in Sustainable Business (since 2016); member in 3 research projects; A. P. Tacu Award, I.C.E.S. Gh. Zane Iași, The Romanian Academy (2007); Professor’s Debut Award, A.F.E.R. (2015).
Hobbies: fathering, sports, games, anime, reading