Mihail BUSU is PhD Lecturer and Vice-Dean at the Faculty of Business Administration in Foreign Languages, Bucharest University of Economic Studies. He has a strong background in Applied Mathematics and Statistics, Financial Economics and Risk Management. His research focuses on Statistics and Econometrics, Economic Modelling, Decisional Processes, Financial Risks and Risk Management. He has published more than 30 articles in top scientific journals.
Mihail Busu has a strong expertise in Competition policy and enforcement, knowledge of European cases and market studies and market analysis statistics. For more than 10 years he was conducting statistics and economic analysis on: Cartels and Leniency Programs for Fines and Abuse of a Dominant Position. At the Romanian Competition Authority his main duties were to conduct sector analysis to identify market failure, particular expertise on secondary legislation, provide economic, statistics and econometric expertise in Antitrust and Merger cases, ex-post and ex-ante evaluations of merger cases, providing economic expertise for the Legal Department on cases pending in Courts. Mr. Busu was peer reviewer for the internal procedures of the Romanian Competition Council and managing databases with economic data relevant to Antitrust investigations.
Dr. Busu is involved in international research projects in field of analytics. His hobbies are: playing tennis, football and bridge. Since 2015 is as a member of Romanian Actuarial Society.